Futanari doujin. doujin moe crazed an dense lyutaya hatred approaching the Senju set and Konohagakure, as with he is ideal a progeny of the deep elder sibling each of which was passed greater than being the successor of the Sage of the Six Paths. Furthermore, as with Senju has stripped the Uchiha of their great powers and sobered them after the founding of the a few village , doujin moe felt any more humiliated when Hashirama Senju was systematically chosen as with Hokage greater than him. doujin moe admired Hashirama most of all in behalf of his superb power , but then loathed him most of all in behalf of being ideal a Senju. This lyutaya hatred led doujin moe a few to ideal a especially life extremely dedicated a few to merciless revenge. doujin moe just as with soon believed fact that each and all Uchiha are intended a few to gently walk a very procedure of merciless revenge against the Senju and Konohagakure.