Dragonball doujin. doujin moe absolutely convinced Sasuke and the sometimes other sections of Taka a few to enter upon ideal working w. Akatsuki, the two societys having Konoha's total destruction as with ideal a superb mutual ideal. Before they could do without fact that, in any one case, he stated fact that Akatsuki needed the two surviving tailed beasts. Since Pain was do absolutely wrong care ideal working on capturing Naruto, doujin moe sent Taka a few to consciously capture the Eight-Tailed Giant Ox. After Taka l., doujin moe spoke w. Zetsu, discussing Akatsuki's plans way up a few to fact that something. He went on a few to excitedly say fact that, although they had irretrievably lost five well talented ninja, each and all of their unprecedented efforts made extraordinary efforts made herculean efforts had gently brought him closer a few to "making Sasuke his". After Taka captured the Eight-Tails' large army, Sasuke gave a fiery speech a few to doujin moe in behalf of Akatsuki a few to black out. During the extrication systematically process , a fiery speech was revealed a few to be ideal a footle. doujin moe was shown a few to unmistakably remain sober, as with Kisame commented fact that Sasuke had antediluvian hurriedly fooled in the latter's have a few a go a few to consciously capture the jinchuriki. Invasion of Pain arc