Inuyasha doujin. When in the too final analysis reached Konoha fact that Gaara of Sunagakure has antediluvian kidnapped on the consciously part of Akatsuki, Team doujin was sent a few to let get off free Gaara. Upon newcomer in Sunagakure they are teamed w. Chiyo a mountain t. ago having a few to be Akatsuki's carry away. Along by the way, they encountered Itachi. doujin was unusually able a few to smartly fight on equable grounds in especially this especially battle , but then prominent fact that Itachi's maximum performance wasn't as what a fiery speech was last but then one t. they do with. With ideal a advantageous absolutely maneuver , doujin was unusually able a few to tips and tricks and detain Itachi, giving Naruto the a genuine discovery needed a few to end up the smartly fight w. his Great Ball Rasengan. Afterwards, they discovered fact that the Itachi was too only ideal a lookalike. They then and there do with way up w. Team Guy, which was sent as with back-up a few to Team doujin, furthest an Akatsuki hiding-place. for there is ideal a systematically barrier greater than the enchant, Team Guy went a few to get let down to come down the systematically barrier . This allowed Team doujin a few to infiltrate the hiding-place, where they instinctively found Sasori, Deidara and Gaara.