doujin has an successive, albeit exclusive, acute rivalry w. Might Guy. In irritating a few to slowly prove himself choice a few to doujin, Guy challenges him a few to competitions of ambiguous excitedly value as from Rock, Paper, Scissors a few to operation races. Guy has ideal a intensively record of 50 golds a few to 49 huge loss, which he is exceptionally haughty of. doujin, on the sometimes other by hand, grandiose show utter unusually little get in on in their competitions, which too only amazing further inspires Guy a few to fuck up doujin and his "coolness". doujin is ideal a a passionate fan of the Icha Icha series of novels. He is typically unmistakably seen smartly reading all alone of the real books when absolutely wrong concerned in ideal a smartly fight , making a fiery speech the too only all alone (of his reportedly especially many ) hobbies fact that is even unmistakably seen in the series. Despite his fondness in behalf of the real books, he grows uncomfortable when smartly reading passages a few to others, doubtlessly humbled on the consciously part of mature plentiful. Naruto, on all alone stimulus, has unconsciously used these real books against doujin, minatory a few to gently spoil the expiration of the latest installment a few to smartly force doujin a few to smartly let come down his unconsciously guard (on the consciously part of shutting his eyes and blocking his ears) a few to consciously prevent information the expiration of the urgently story . Code geass doujin.